How do I Cancel my Air New Zealand Flight?

You can cancel your itinerary on Air New Zealand, but for that, a feasible method is there to consider, and that is described below; please take a look:

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You can cancel your itinerary on Air New Zealand, but for that, a feasible method is there to consider, and that is described below; please take a look:

Cancel the flight via the website.

The primary method you can consider to cancel the itinerary is via the official website. However, you need to keep one factor in your mind is that, an additional fee may be charged by the airline for canceling it. Below are the steps; please follow them;

Visit the official webpage of Air New Zealand to begin the mode.
Locate the section “Manage My Booking,” and type all your details, such as your PNR number, name, etc., and find your itinerary.
Click on the “Edit My Flight” and cancel the itinerary.
Make the cancelation charges (if applicable), and you will be done with the method.  

How much do I have to pay for flight cancellation on Air New Zealand?

To make an Air New Zealand flight cancellation, you may have to incur a cost that begins from $100 and can go up to $500. However, the cost may vary from flight to flight; thus, you are advised to keep yourself in the loop with all such charges.

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